Cyclone Filtering Technology

Vacuum conveying system and cyclone dust separation

Welcome to Pellvac

We are a Swedish company that provides high-quality dust collection for both households and high-end industries. Let us introduce the Whirlwind dust collector!

Dust collector

The Whirlwind dust collector with 99% separation of ash and dust with a regular vacuum cleaner. 

Industry cyclone

Industrial vacuum machines with Pellvac Windcleaner cyclones gives you the reability that you need. 

Visit our shop!

Here you can buy or request our cyclones. We ship to several countries in Europe. Welcome!

The right way to
separate dust particles!

No filter!

Common dust collectors have filters. These filters clog quickly. Whirlwind does not have a filter that can be clogged. 

Up to 99% separation

Whirlwind dust collector has up to 99% separation rate of dust such as ash, soot and sawdust. 


Whether you need to clean your pellet burner or fireplace or need to clean your workshop, Pellvac Whirlwind is your friend.

About Pellvac and what we do

Vacuum and cyclone filtering technology for pellets and bulk materials

Pellvac’s history dates back to the 1970s when its founders opened up the market for vacuum transport of bulk materials. Innovator Thore Fridhill pioneered the replacement of traditional conveyor belts with closed, dust-free vacuum systems and quickly gained customers worldwide.

Industrial vacuum cleaners with capacities from 15 kW to 75 kW were Hillco’s core business for a long time, until restructuring in the market changed the conditions for the business. Pellvac was then founded with the aim of scaling down the huge industrial systems for use in homes and buildings.

An important part of the transport process in a suction system is the removal of dust so that filters do not clog. Fridhill discovered early on that cyclone separation is far more efficient than filter separation, which has to be changed frequently. The spin-off product Virvelvind, a precleaner without filter with up to 99% removal efficiency, has found many applications and is today an important part of the Pellvac product range.

Latest news!

Read our blog. Pellvac is much more than just pellets and cyclone technology.
Pellvac is a company that strives for sustainability, bioenergy and reduced carbon emissions.

Want to know more about Windcleaner Industrial Cyclones or Industrial Vacuum Cleaners?

Would you like to know more about the Pellvac chip vacuum cyclone?

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Want to know more about pellet systems with vacuum suction?

Fill in the form and we will contact you. Consultation is free of charge. We will assess your circumstances and advise you on the best system for you.