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Pellvac pays 580 Euro to non profit organisation “Save the Rainforest”.

Back in 2018, we launched our new website and opened our own shop. We wanted to bring added value to the customers that choose to purchase directly from us. Thus we decided to support the Swedish non-profit organisation “Rädda Regnskog”, or Save the rainforest. We concluded that the added value would contribute to sustainability work that focuses on renewable bioenergy and conservation. 


Preserve forest and at the same time harvest for use as biofuel?

Trees are not felled in Sweden to be used as energy fuel. At least not on a large scale. It happens, of course, that forest owners cut down trees to use them or sell them as firewood.

On a large scale, Swedish forests are used to extract timber. You can find it in furniture and house construction. But lumber previously left in the woods to rot is today converted into wood pellets.

These are treetops and twigs, previously lacking an economic value but with a much higher value seen as bioenergy, which in abundance can correspond to an entire nuclear power plant.

Kollage visar skog, ved och pellets

Preserve forest and at the same time harvest for use as biofuel?

Kollage visar skog, ved och pellets

Trees are not felled in Sweden to be used as energy fuel. At least not on a large scale. It happens, of course, that forest owners cut down trees to use them or sell them as firewood.

On a large scale, Swedish forests are used to extract timber. You can find it in furniture and house construction. But lumber previously left in the woods to rot is today converted into wood pellets.

These are treetops and twigs, previously lacking an economic value but with a much higher value seen as bioenergy, which in abundance can correspond to an entire nuclear power plant.

Is pellets carbon neutral?

Pellets are carbon dioxide-neutral fuels. When you incinerate pellets, the same amount of carbon dioxide is emitted as was once tied up by the tree. Of lumbered trees in Sweden, two to three new trees are planted that will bind carbon dioxide again. A growing forest binds more carbon dioxide than a full-grown forest. On average 380 million trees are planted in Sweden per year.

regnskog vs skogsbrand

Why did we choose to be a contributor to Save the Rainforest?

Even though Sweden plants 380 million new trees per year, things look grim in other parts of the world. In recent years, we have seen rainforest larger than the entire land area of France completely wiped out in the jungles of the Amazon. In addition, forest fires have ruthlessly plagued several parts of the world. In Siberia, an estimated 16 million hectares have been devoured by flames . This corresponds to the entire area of Greece and Denmark together.

We must also remember the recent forest fires in Sweden, Australia, South America, Canada and California.

Therefore, we decided already in 2018 to contribute to Save the Rainforest’s work with the conservation of the Rainforest and its wildlife, local and indigenous people. Although it is essential to plant new trees and sequester carbon dioxide, it is also vital to preserving forests and vegetation.

We take this opportunity to thank all our customers who have been involved and contributed. For all purchases of Pellvac products in our own webshop, €5 goes to Save the Rainforest. (Rädda Regnskogen – A Swedish non-profit organisation)

  • In 2019 we paid in 200€
  • In 2020 we paid in 300€
  • In 2021 we paid in 480€
  • In 2022, we paid in SEK 580€
Rädda regnskogen certifikat

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